๐Ÿš™Random Deathmatch / Vehicle Deathmatch (RDM/VDM)

Random Deathmatch (RDM) and Vehicle Deathmatch (VDM) are the act of killing a player and/or their property without a valid RP reason to do so or injuring another player without any interaction beforehand.

Some valid reasons to attack another player include:

  • If they attempt to hurt you, an ally, or damage your property.

  • If they are not in compliance with demands, attempt to escape, or call other players for help in a situation where they are required to display fear under fear roleplay rules.

Player A must not kill Player B if player B is complying with demands, however, Player A must give Player B adequate time to comply with said demands.

If the story and tension between two gangs have led up to war, they donโ€™t always need to initiate a situation before shooting at each other, but it is always recommended to, for the sake of RP.

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